
Events & Workshops

Upcoming Workshops

  • Fulbright Scholar Award:
    Is Now Your Time?
    Dr. María Verónica Elías, UTSA Public Administration Professor

    January 22 (Wednesday)
    Noon - 1:00 p.m.

    Learn about the award from a Fulbright Alumni Ambassador. Dr. Maria Veronica Elias, Professor of Public Administration at the University of Texas at San Antonio, will share details about the application process and program logistics as well as forming lasting research collaborations while abroad and the benefits of participating in a Western Hemisphere Program.

  • Friday Writing Session: Writing About Your Teaching

    January 24 (Friday)
    Noon - 1:00 p.m.

    Every time you step into a classroom, you are stepping into a research moment. You try new assignments, activities, and textbooks. You adapt to new population of students, new course schedules, and new course deliveries. In this Friday Writing Session, we will draw from Mick Healey, Kelley Matthews, and Alison Cook-Sather’s Writing About Teaching and Learning in Higher Education to frame our conversation. We will imagine (and then plan out!) how your teaching experiences might be the seeds of a future journal article, book chapter, or conference presentation. Link to open access book: https://www.centerforengagedlearning.org/books/writing-about-learning/ ]

  • HIPs are for everyone: widening access to undergraduate research

    January 29 (Wednesday)
    Noon - 1:00 p.m.

    In this workshop, presenters will narrate their journey in "undergraduate research" in the humanities, demonstrating how they transformed it from an exclusive experience for select students into a course for twenty that meets AAC&U High Impact Practices (HIP) standards. Faculty participants will then explore how they might democratize this HIP experience in their own fields.